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Marah's Mindful Metaphysics

4” White Sage Smudge Stick (Cleansing)

4” White Sage Smudge Stick (Cleansing)

Regular price $7.50 CAD
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One 4” White Sage Smudge stick.

White sage is used for cleansing ALL energy so its best to follow up with a palo santo stick to bring in the good vibes. This particular sage bundle is a healers favorite for clearing the energy during and after a heavy session. 

Set your intentions of cleansing and blessing your home and/or auric field while the sage bundle is lit and walk around your home or a specific space especially in the corners, with all windows and doors open so the sage smoke can carry away and release negative and unwanted energy. Take the remains (ashes) of the burned sage outside and give gratitude for the work of the sage bundle and your benevolent spirit team. 

*This is a very powerful herb so use with knowledge, a cleansed space and high vibrations.

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